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Our Appreciation and Thanks

We wish to show our appreciation for one of your staff namely Tim Harris, just like to place on record our Thanks to Tim who was not only a credit to himself but to your company. We cannot overstate how grateful we were to Tim in terms of his experience enthusiasm but most importantly safeguarding our investment. Tim's experience was so reassuring that we felt completely at ease and fully understood the process of buying a property in Spain, something which was completely alien to us. He supported us from arranging and showing us a number of properties through to making an offer appointing a solicitor and opening a bank account, he has been with us every step of the way and still continues to offer his support. We now class Tim as a personal friend to us both and will have no hesitation in recommending Genius Properties to other friends and colleagues who are also considering purchasing a property in Spain. Many thanks Angela & Barry.

Angela & Barry - UK

We had almost given up hope

Det är inte ofta man känner för att skriva ett tackbrev till en mäklare efter en fastighetsaffär, men det gör vi i det här fallet och vi har erfarenhet efter många tidigare hus- och lägenhetsköp.

Vi hade nästan gett upp hoppet efter ett otal visningar med olika mäklare, när vi av en tillfällighet träffade på dig. Och du arbetade verkligen annorlunda. För det första lyssnade du tålmodigt och noga på våra önskemål och för det andra såg du det som en utmaning att få fram just sådana objekt som stämde överens med vår kravprofil. Detta kräver både engagemang och hårt arbete, inte minst med tanke på vår snäva budget. Du genomförde dessutom visningarna på ett effektivt sätt och på utsatt tid och utan att pusha oss i en viss riktning. Vi uppskattade också dina snabba svar på de många frågor vi hade efter visningarna och den kontinuerliga uppdateringen av köpeprocessen. Allt skedde i en avspänd atmosfär, trots att vi på svenskt vis tjatade om skriftiga bekräftelser på allting. Men du genomförde allting på ett mycket professionellt sätt och anvisade dessutom en utmärkt advokat, hantverkare för ombyggnad och åtog dig att förmedla kontakter för uthyrning.

Du kallar ditt företag för Genius och då har man mycket att leva upp till. Men om man lyckas genomföra en sådan här fastighetsaffär på fyra arbetsdagar då gör man verkligen skäl för namnet.


It's not often you feel like writing a letter of thanks to a broker for a real estate deal, but we do in this case and we have experience after many previous house and property purchases.

We had almost given up hope after countless viewings with different brokers, when we coincidentally met you, and you worked really different . First you listen patiently and carefully to our requests and second, you see it as a challenge to produce just such items that were consistent with our requirement profile . This requires commitment and hard work, not least because of our tight budget. You also conducted screenings and viewings efficiently and on time, and without pushing us in a certain direction. We also appreciated your quick responses to the many questions we had after the screenings and viewings and the continuous updating of the purchase process. Everything was done in a relaxed atmosphere, despite our Swedish style nagging about written confirmations of everything. But you carried out everything in a very professional manner and Designated additionally an excellent lawyer, you even arranged a remodelling of our apartment and arranging clients for rental.

You call your company 'Genius', and because of this you have a lot to live up to. But if you manage to implement such a real estate deal in four days as you did with us, then do you really live up to the name.

Lennart & Viveca - Sweden

Your company has been supportive and attentive

Your continuing interest is most reassuring and I thank you for that. Your company has been very supportive and attentive to my needs regarding property in a foreign country. Constant updating of information has always, and at every stage, been part of your service. I wonder if you know how important that is ? Thank you once again.

Barbara Durose - UK

Anbefaling ved Kjøp av bustad

Eg kan med dette gje mine varmaste skussmål til Neil Parsons, i Genius Properties for god service og hjelp i vår jakt på drøymeplassen på Solkysten.

Neil var, frå første telefonsamtale, oppteken av å finne plassen me leita etter. Han var grundig, imøtekommande og gjorde sitt ytterste for å hjelpe oss å sortere, prioritere og finne eigendomar av interesse.

Då me møtte han, var han absolutt like hyggeleg og innstilt på å gjere sitt ytterste for å hjelpe oss, både med visningar, advokat og store og små ynskjer og spørsmål me måtte ha.

Derfor kan eg anbefale hans hjelp, i "jungelen" på den spanske eigendomsmarknaden.


With this I will give my warmest recommendation to Neil Parsons, in Genius Properties for his service and help in our hunt of the Place of our Dreams on Costa del Sol.

Neil was, from our first conversation by phone, set on finding the place we were looking for. He was thorough, attentive, and did his most to help us sort, choose and find properties of interest.

Meeting him, he was friendly and focused on doing his best to help us, both with viewings, meeting with a lawyer, and with big and small wishes and questions we had during our stay.

Because of this, I can recommend his help in the "jungle" of the Spanish property marked.

M G Heimark - Norway

Hvis du vurderer en eiendom på Costa del Sol

Den sørlige delen av Spania har mange eiendomsmeglere, og jeg har prøvd noen av dem. Jeg har vært på flere visninger med andre eiendomsmeglere, med spørsmål om jeg likte leiligheten. Men med Hr. Neil Parsons var det annerledes. Jeg følte han hadde en genuin interesse av å finne en leilighet i Estepona/LaDuquesa-regionen som tilfredsstillte mine ønsker. Han søkte etter tilgjengelige leiligheter i regionen som han visste var i henhold til mine ønsker. Jeg endte opp med en leilighet i Estepona som trengte en liten ombygging. Og også i ombyggingsprosessen og møbleringen brukte jeg Neil og hans kontakter. Neil Parsons har fulgt prosessen fra start til slutt, til og med guiding på mitt første besøk i det lokale supermarkedet.

Hva som har vært viktig for meg, er at jeg har fått umiddelbare og informative tilbakemeldinger på spørsmål som jeg har hatt (noen ganger sikkert dumme). Selv fra Norge så har jeg følt å ha en god oversikt/konfidens i prosessen, takket være Neil sin informasjon/tilbakemeldinger.

Hvis du vurderer en eiendom på Costa del Sol, så anbefaler jeg at du tar kontakt med Neil Parsons. Det vil være dumt å ikke gi ham en sjanse.


The southern parts of Spain has many real estate agents, and I have tried a few of them. I have been to several viewings with other agencies, and questioned if I like the apartment or not. But with Mr. Neil Parsons at Genius Properties it was different. I felt that he had a genuine interest of finding an apartment in the Estepona/La Duquesa region that was according to my desires. He searched for available apartments in the region that he knew would satisfy my requirements. I ended up with an apartment in Estepona that required minor rebuilds. And also in the process of rebuilding and furniture fitting I used Neil and his contacts. Neil Parsons followed the process from start to end, even guiding on first visit to the local super market.

What was very important to me was, that I got immediate and informative replies to whatever question I had (I guess sometimes some stupid ones). Being in Norway, I felt I had a good overview/confidence of the process, thanks to Neils information/feedback.

If you are considering a property on Costa del Sol, I would recommend that you get in touch with Neil Parsons. It will be stupid not to give him a chance.

Knut Tvete - Norway

No hidden agenda, just the information we needed

Neil and Valeria of Genius Properties had a big impact in our recent life. We had been looking around to purchase our dream place in Spain for over 18 months, have dealt with numerous agents and even traveled to Estepona for site visit once before without finding what we really wanted.

They helped us to get exactly what we needed after a few days together. Yes, possibly we were lucky and possibly the right place became available at the right time, but it is only if your agent cares enough to take the time to listen and understand your needs that opportunities can be transformed into success stories. That was our case. We never felt pushed into any specific properties and every time we were getting the right information; never trying to make a place look better or worse, no hidden agenda, just the exact information that we needed to make the right decision. We appreciated that.

They helped us not only to negotiate and conclude the transaction but provided excellent advices to organize the place as well. And that was just the start.

Since that we are planning to rent it on the seasonal market, they helped us to find the materials and manpower to improve it and literally walked the extra mile to reduce our costs. They have proven numerous times that they deserve our trust and we are now more than happy to have Genius Properties also take care of the rental and management of our place. We went to Spain to find an agent and we found friends.

Elena & Jaques - Abu Dhabi UAE

After trying other agents

We would like to thank Neil and his partner Valeria for their brilliant work in selling our apartment.

After being with other agents from between 10 months and 3 years, we changed to Genius Properties and gave them exclusive rights to sell for us, and almost straight away we started to get viewings, every week.

He kept us fully updated with the outcome of every viewing. We would suggest to anyone wanting to buy or sell in the Costa del Sol to go to Neil as we think he is the best agent on the coast.

Malcolm & Pauline Cook - UK & Spain

We would have no hesitation in using their services again

Having recently purchased a property in the earlier part of this year, we would commend Genius Properties and in particular Aaron Parkin for his efforts before, during and after the acquisition process.

From understanding the initial brief, the knowledge, effort, due diligence, attention to detail and support have been second to none and much appreciated.

Any and all issueshave been communicated and dealt with promptly.

We would have no hesitation in using their services again should the opportunity arise.

R W Barnes - UK

Would recommend these guys to anyone

Genius Properties has been recommended to me by my friend who used their services several times so far and I have to admit it was a right choice.

I was looking into buying house for rent in Spain however I was concerned about the fact that my knowledge of renting business abroad wasn't deep enough.

The help and great advice has made a massive difference.

Very knowledgeable, explaining every single detail and giving answers to each of my questions.

With their assistance I could stay assured that I have enough information to make my decisions and what's very important to me I didn't feel like I was being pushed into buying something. It certainly wasn't a hard sale.

Now once I bought a flat I can still count on help which is greatfully appreciated.

Would recommend these guys to anyone!

Thank you again!

Izabela Matenka - UK & Poland

Encore Merci

Mon épouse et moi-même recommandons chaleureusement Monsieur Neil Parsons, responsable de Genius Properties à Estepona, à tout acquéreur potentiel d'un bien à la Costa del Sol.

Trois qualités nous viennent spontanément à l'esprit pour déterminer sa personne et justifier ainsi notre enthousiasme.

Son accueil d'abord, que ce soit par courriel, au téléphone ou lors de nos rencontres, il vous met à l'aise et est à l'écoute de vos attentes. Sa spontanéité en fait un interlocuteur informel et privilégié très efficace.

Sa compétence ensuite, dès les désirs et souhaits connus, il vous conduit, au propre comme au figuré, au seuil de votre résidence de rêve les clefs en main en vous ayant assisté dans chaque étape : visites, avocat, notaire et autres.

Sa disponibilité enfin. C'est ici qu'il nous a vraiment stupéfié . Joignable à tout moment pour répondre à l'une ou l'autre question, aujourd'hui encore, il est beaucoup plus qu'un vendeur. Sur place, il n'a pas hésité non plus à accumuler les kilomètres pour assurer notre confort de sorte que nos liens se rapprochaient.

Vous comprendrez aisément que dans un tel contexte de confiance mutuelle, Monsieur Parsons est devenu Neil tout court, un personnage attachant qui, rien que pour cela, mérite de faire partie de vos connaissances privilégiées.

Encore merci, Neil


My wife and I warmly recommend Mr. Neil Parsons, of Genius Properties in Estepona, to any potential purchaser of a property on the Costa del Sol.

Three qualities come to mind to describe him as a person and thus justify our enthusiasm.

Effectivity, either by email, phone or at our meetings , he puts you at ease and listens carefully to your expectations. His spontaneity is an informal and very effective method of conversing with others.

Competence, from the desires and wishes known, he leads you both literally and figuratively to the threshold of your dream home with the Key in hand whilst attending to you personally in each step: property viewings, lawyer, notary and others.

Availability. It is here that we were really surprised . Reachable at all times of the day, to respond to any question, even again today, he is much more than just an estate agent. He did not hesitate either to accumulate kilometers driving to ensure our comfort, so much so, that our relationship became even closer.

Please understand that in such a context of mutual trust, 'Mr. Parsons' became 'Neil' to us, an endearing character, for that alone, he deserves to be part of your inside knowledge when it comes to buying property in Spain.

Again thank you, Neil

Dominique & Frans - Belgium

The decision to sell a property is always a difficult one - decisión de vender una propiedad es siempre un proceso complicado

The decision to sell a property is always a difficult one - decisión de vender una propiedad es siempre un proceso complicado

La decisión de vender una propiedad es siempre un proceso complicado, visitas de agentes y firmas y mas firmas, curiosamente después de tanto trámite no suele pasar nada, pero debo reconocer que el día que la casualidad me trajo a Valeria de Genius Properties, mis posibilidades cambiaron,y en un mes mi propiedad estaba vendida, todos los trámites fueron llevados a cabo de una manera muy profesional facilitando siempre los los objetivos marcados y evitando papeleo inútil, por ello Valeria, deseo hacer público mi satisfacción y agradecimiento por los servicios prestados, que sin ninguna duda recomendaré a mis amistades.


The decision to sell a property is always a complicated process, visits from agents and firms, more importantly, after all this process, nothing seems to happen, but I must admit that pure chance brought me to Valeria at Genius Properties.

My chances changed, and within a month my property was sold, all procedures were conducted in a very professional manner while facilitating the established objectives and avoiding unnecessary paperwork.

This is why for Valeria I would like to make public my appreciation and gratitude for services rendered, which I will undoubtedly recommend to all my friends.

Soledad Noreña - Estepona Spain

Sell your home with Genius Properties?